Beaucoup de sites et de pétitions pour dénoncer la prison à ciel ouvert qu'est Gaza.
En voici un exemple de l'association américaine Brit Tzedek v’Shalom (the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace is to educate and mobilize American Jews in support of a negotiated two-state resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict).
This week, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flooded out of Gaza through the recently breached border crossing with Egypt in order to purchase food, medicine, cement, mattresses, and household supplies. Last week, over two hundred Qassam rockets were launched by Palestinian militants into Sderot and elsewhere in Israel's northern Negev. In response, Israel sealed Gaza's borders, blocking access by its population to essential fuel and humanitarian supplies.
This escalation of violence and punishment must end, and for that to happen, the U.S. must intervene. Please contact President Bush today to demand urgent U.S. action to encourage an Israel-Hamas ceasefire and the reopening of border crossings into Gaza to allow for the regular transport of fuel and humanitarian supplies!

"Continuation of the closures in the occupied territories will lead to further deterioration in the living conditions of 3.8 million Palestinians," the document stated.
Ce rapport est édifiant!
Another obstacle to Zionism
By Akiva Eldar( is a chief political columnist and editorial writer for the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz. He has been covering developments in the region for the last 20 years) For too many years many people in Israel, including fine people on the left, saw in the settlement movement a new, national-religious version of the secular Zionist movement. The time has come to examine this myth in light of the current reality between the sea and the Jordan River, at the end of 40 years of settlement. In the state's 60th year, it is no longer possible to hold onto the argument that in 1948, too, we stole Arab lands. That chapter of the Zionist struggle ended on May 15, 1948. The Declaration of Independence laid the moral foundations for the state of the Jews - the realization of the Zionist vision.
The constitutive Zionist document guarantees that this state will provide "complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants." This declaration means that if the territories are annexed, Israel is obligated to grant the rights of citizenship to Palestinians as well, including the right to vote and to be voted into the Knesset. Within the Green Line, the pre-1967 borders, Jews constitute a solid majority (79 percent). According to demographic forecasts, the separation of Israel and the territories would guarantee that in 2020, too, the Jews will retain their relative advantage. But annexation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem - whether officially or de facto - makes the territory between the sea and the Jordan River a binational state even now (54 percent Jews, 46 percent non-Jews).
The Zionist leadership declared that the State of Israel "will be based on freedom, justice and peace." The settlement in the heart of the territories has for 40 years denied freedom to millions of people, including the freedom of movement. What connection is there between the expropriation of "state lands" or the takeover of private lands, on the one hand, and the creation of justice and peace, on the other? How does the enormous growth in the number of settlers since the signing of the Oslo Accords (from 100,000 in 1993 to 270,000 today) square with the 60-year-old declaration, "We extend our hand to all neighboring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighborliness."?
Were it not for its fear of the settlers, Israel would not be ignoring the extended hand of the Arab League, which offers peace and good neighborliness within the June 4, 1967, borders. And what is the contribution of the settlements to Israel's international standing, in keeping with the declaration, "We appeal to the United Nations to assist the Jewish people in the building-up of its State and to receive the State of Israel into the comity of nations"? The settlements and the course of the separation fence, which was tailored to suit their needs, have drawn the largest number of UN condemnations and international protests against Israel(...).
Apart from talking, what is Olmert doing to remove the obstacle from the path of Zionism?
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