Deux prêtres américains viennent de sortir, le 14 mars 2008, de 5 mois de prison pour avoir manifesté contre la torture devant un centre de formation à la torture de l'armée. Ceux ci-comptaient dès le 16 Mars y retourner pour manifester à nouveaux.
Qu'est-ce le christianisme si ce n'est cette force d'agir en homme de conviction. D'aller sur les zones de fractures de l'humanité, de risquer son confort, son silence, rester debout et savoir dire non aux égarements de notre monde.
Loin des "salons bien pensant" ou l'on justifie guerres, occupations et tortures, des hommes résistent et se dressent contre ce que j'appelle la "regression civilisationnelle".
Mon christianisme est là. Nulle part ailleurs. Ces hommes et femmes, fervents patriotes américains, pacifistes, sont des vigies contre cette violence que nous créons et/ou cautionnons. Une violence selon les néoconservateurs qui serait vertueuse car salvatrice de notre civilisation "judéo-chrétienne". Cette violence c'est la guerre préventive permanente contre le terrorisme (concept que je partage avec Michel Warschawski), concrètement sur le terrain contre les peuples arabo-musulmans et officieusement, guerre pour les ressources énergétiques.
Comment affirmer notre "supériorité civilisationnelle" en rivalisant de barbarie avec nos énemis? Comment maintenir la grandeur de notre civilisation avec un tel poids de morts, de mensonges et de corruption de nos valeurs? Comment bâtir une civilisation digne de ce nom, contre ou par opposition à une autre?
Les partisans du choc des civilisations, du nouveau Moyen-Orient, etc...ont déjà répondu.
Et vous, que répondrez-vous?
Qu'est-ce le christianisme si ce n'est cette force d'agir en homme de conviction. D'aller sur les zones de fractures de l'humanité, de risquer son confort, son silence, rester debout et savoir dire non aux égarements de notre monde.
Loin des "salons bien pensant" ou l'on justifie guerres, occupations et tortures, des hommes résistent et se dressent contre ce que j'appelle la "regression civilisationnelle".
Mon christianisme est là. Nulle part ailleurs. Ces hommes et femmes, fervents patriotes américains, pacifistes, sont des vigies contre cette violence que nous créons et/ou cautionnons. Une violence selon les néoconservateurs qui serait vertueuse car salvatrice de notre civilisation "judéo-chrétienne". Cette violence c'est la guerre préventive permanente contre le terrorisme (concept que je partage avec Michel Warschawski), concrètement sur le terrain contre les peuples arabo-musulmans et officieusement, guerre pour les ressources énergétiques.
Comment affirmer notre "supériorité civilisationnelle" en rivalisant de barbarie avec nos énemis? Comment maintenir la grandeur de notre civilisation avec un tel poids de morts, de mensonges et de corruption de nos valeurs? Comment bâtir une civilisation digne de ce nom, contre ou par opposition à une autre?
Les partisans du choc des civilisations, du nouveau Moyen-Orient, etc...ont déjà répondu.
Et vous, que répondrez-vous?
As more than 120 people gathered at the gate of Fort Huachuca today to protest military intelligence training there that fosters torture, two Roman Catholic priests were arrested when they tried to enter the base, located in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Franciscan Fr. Louie Vitale and Jesuit Fr. Steve Kelly intended to speak with enlisted personnel and deliver a letter to Major General Barbara Fast, commander at the post, denouncing torture and the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
Major General Fast is the highest ranking intelligence officer tied to the torture at Abu Ghraib torture, yet she has never been punished. Two soldiers with ties to Fort Huachuca are among 28 implicated earlier this year in the beating deaths of two prisoners in Afghanistan in 2002.
Today's demonstration took place in conjunction with the annual vigil at Fort Benning, Georgia, where over 20,000 people vigiled today and at least 14 were arrested as they called for closing the infamous School of the Americas (now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation). Dozens of Latin American military leaders who trained at the "School of Assassins" have since been convicted of torture, murder, and other heinous crimes in their own countries.
Frs. Vitale and Kelly walked into the base but were stopped as they approached the gatehouse. An officer from the base offered to deliver their letter to the Commander, but the priests persisted, because they also intended to speak with the service men and women receiving interrogation training at Fort Huachuca. When they were not allowed to pass, the two men knelt in prayer and were arrested. They both received a federal citation for trespass and were released without conditions, and told they should be contacted within 45 days with a court date.
Fr. Louie Vitale is a member of Pace e Bene, whose mission is "to develop the spirituality and practice of active nonviolence as a way of living and being and as a process for cultural transformation." Fr. Vitale is also a co-founder of the Nevada Desert Experience, a faith-based organization that has opposed nuclear weapons testing for a quarter of a century. Fr. Vitale recently served six months in jail following his arrest at the Ft. Benning vigil in November, 2005, and was ejected from congressional hearings in September after speaking out against the Military Commissions Act.
As more than 120 people gathered at the gate of Fort Huachuca today to protest military intelligence training there that fosters torture, two Roman Catholic priests were arrested when they tried to enter the base, located in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Franciscan Fr. Louie Vitale and Jesuit Fr. Steve Kelly intended to speak with enlisted personnel and deliver a letter to Major General Barbara Fast, commander at the post, denouncing torture and the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
Major General Fast is the highest ranking intelligence officer tied to the torture at Abu Ghraib torture, yet she has never been punished. Two soldiers with ties to Fort Huachuca are among 28 implicated earlier this year in the beating deaths of two prisoners in Afghanistan in 2002.
Today's demonstration took place in conjunction with the annual vigil at Fort Benning, Georgia, where over 20,000 people vigiled today and at least 14 were arrested as they called for closing the infamous School of the Americas (now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation). Dozens of Latin American military leaders who trained at the "School of Assassins" have since been convicted of torture, murder, and other heinous crimes in their own countries.
Frs. Vitale and Kelly walked into the base but were stopped as they approached the gatehouse. An officer from the base offered to deliver their letter to the Commander, but the priests persisted, because they also intended to speak with the service men and women receiving interrogation training at Fort Huachuca. When they were not allowed to pass, the two men knelt in prayer and were arrested. They both received a federal citation for trespass and were released without conditions, and told they should be contacted within 45 days with a court date.
Fr. Louie Vitale is a member of Pace e Bene, whose mission is "to develop the spirituality and practice of active nonviolence as a way of living and being and as a process for cultural transformation." Fr. Vitale is also a co-founder of the Nevada Desert Experience, a faith-based organization that has opposed nuclear weapons testing for a quarter of a century. Fr. Vitale recently served six months in jail following his arrest at the Ft. Benning vigil in November, 2005, and was ejected from congressional hearings in September after speaking out against the Military Commissions Act.
Voir aussi le tristement célebre reportage "Un taxi pour l'enfer":
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