Anarchists Against the Wall (AATW) is a direct action group that was established in 2003 in response to the construction of the wall Israel is building on Palestinian land in the Occupied West Bank. The group works in cooperation with Palestinians in a joint non violent struggle against the occupation.
Since its formation, the group has participated in hundreds of demonstrations and direct actions against the wall specifically, and the occupation generally, all over the West Bank. All of AATW's work in Palestine is coordinated through villages' local popular committees and is essentially Palestinian led.
Why We Resist
It is the duty of Israeli citizens to resist immoral policies and actions carried out in out name. We believe that it is possible to do more than demonstrate inside Israel or participate in humanitarian relief actions. Israeli apartheid and occupation isn't going to end by itself - it will end when it becomes ungovernable and unmanageable. It is time to physically oppose the bulldozers, the army and the occupation.
Ce groupe notament est en lien avec le site de Bil'in. Main dans la main avec des Palestiniens , ces israeliens se battent contre toute forme d'appartheid, de mur, de colonisation de la Palestine. Sans arme et en fraternité face à l'armée israélienne et au sionisme. Seul ce type d'organisation est à même d'offrir une réponse à l'approche ethnique territoriale et religeuse du sionisme, approche que même les élements les plus extrèmes de la la droite occidentale n'osent exprimer.
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